What's Involved?
Typically, neurotherapy involves initial assessment, followed by the neurotherapy training itself. Initial assessment involves a test of brain function (QEEG) and, when necessary, a computerised cognitive screening test to identify difficulties with functioning. This is followed by a consultation with your psychologist to explain the assessment results, plan the neurotherapy training, and set goals for progress. We offer several types of neurotherapy, so treatment may vary depending on QEEG results, presenting symptoms or other factors, and this would be discussed in the results consultation.
How long will it take?
This is not a simple question to answer. As treatment is individualised, there are many factors that can affect the length of treatment. Neurotherapy works using the brain’s plasticity, so as such it is a physiological change process. It helps to think of it like the physiological changes brought on by exercise – it takes repeated sessions to achieve long-lasting results. In very general terms though, treatment would typically involve 20-40 sessions, usually conducted twice per week. Session lengths can vary from less than 15 minutes through to 1 hour, though again this will vary depending on the treatment type, presenting symptoms, client history, treatment goals and many other factors. A typical course of neurotherapy would generally involve 2 x 45 minute sessions per week for 20 weeks, for a total of 40 sessions. However as stated, this can vary.
How Long Will The Effects Last?
Following completion of a course of neurotherapy, we would expect the results to be very long lasting, if not permanent. However, it’s important to note that major life stresses can still happen, and these can continue to impact upon physical and mental health.
Will it work for me?
In general terms, we find that the majority of our clients respond well to neurotherapy training. The outcomes are affected by a great number of factors, which is why we offer an initial free half-hour information session with one of our psychologists to discuss your personal circumstances.
What are the costs?
Much like the length of treatment, the costs will vary depending on the treatment type. Generally, fixed costs include the QEEG, psychological screening test, and results consultation. The cost of each neurotherapy session is determined by the treatment type and length of session. Since there are many variables, the costs involved in assessment and treatment are explained during the half-hour free information session, and again during the results consultation.
Is this a new treatment?
No, neurotherapy has been used in clinical settings since the 1960s.
Is there any evidence for its efficacy?
Yes. Please see the Evidence/Research section under the “Neurotherapy” heading on this website.
Is it painful?
Neurotherapy is not painful. Some people with very high sensory sensitivity may feel some slight discomfort with the physical contact involved with attaching EEG sensors.
Is neurofeedback safe?
Yes, as neurotherapy works using the body’s own physiological processes. When working with mental health conditions it is important to note that neurotherapy can help bring insight to problems with functioning, which may be concerning at first. This is an important part of the change process, as once a problem reaches awareness, it can be worked with and improved.
Is treatment covered by Medicare/Private Health?
Medicare rebates are available for psychological services for clients with a referral from a medical practitioner. Please note that neurotherapy sessions, QEEG and other assessments are not covered by Medicare. Some private health funds do provide rebates for psychological services, depending on the fund and level of cover.